Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Costly Referral

Dr. Markenson seems to have lost interest in me as a patient when my blood work comes back and is normal.  He also seems to have forgotten the specifics of my case, but he has obtained a copies of my X-rays and quickly reaches the same diagnosis as Dr. Kassipidis.  He also seems more receptive to injections, which he dismissed during my first visit, observing that I'm relatively young to be having a hip replacement.

The fee this time is $200.  But he also refers me to Amar Ranawat, MD who is affiliated with the Hospital for Special Surgery.  "I don't know anything about Dr. Kassipidis but if you've got a heart problem, you'd want to go to the Cleveland Clinic wouldn't you?" Fortunately, Dr. Ranawat sees GHI patients one day a week at Lenox Hill Hospital.  I waste no time making an appointment.

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