Saturday, December 25, 2010

8 Days After Surgery--Christmas Day

Nothing like the kindness of friends, several DVDs ("Barbarella," "Marnie" and "Sid & Nancy") and plenty of naps to speed your recovery.  Audrey has given up her regular seat at the dinner table and Tom his rocker in the TV room because they're the best places for me to sit on my hip cushion.  Although I'm not able to help decorate the tree on Christmas Eve as is our usual custom, I manage to photograph Tom and Zoltan when they visit Tom's family's cemetery plot and even take Georgy, the teacup chihuahua that Magda is pet sitting, for a couple of walks.  

The only mishap of my visit occurred at 2 a.m., when my stomach lurched after eating way too many Christmas Eve appetizers and too much beef Wellington.  I remember the physical therapist telling me that rushing is typically the cause of breaking THP so I decide to head for the bathroom even if it means leaving the warmth of my covers. Smart move.

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